How many watts does the processor consume? How much electricity does a computer consume and how much material resources are spent on it. Which is better - laptop or tablet?

Our grandparents still remember the times when electricity cost pennies. Now payments for electricity stand alone in the family budget. To save money, we strive to use electricity more carefully and try not to spend a lot of it.

But to save electricity more effectively, you should know what the energy consumption of household appliances is.

Power consumption is one of the main parameters of electrical appliances. Therefore, information about the number of watts consumed by the device is attached to each electrical appliance.

How much energy does an air conditioner consume?

This device burns 5000 watts. The biggest source of electricity consumption for a running air conditioner is using warm air from the street to warm up the air in the room and exhausting air from the room to the street for cooling.

The electricity consumption of an air conditioner depends on:

  • Device power.
  • Temperature differences indoors and outdoors.
  • Air cubic capacity in the room.

Electric oven

This device consumes 2300 watts. The energy consumption of an electric oven depends on the cooking time and temperature. Heating elements also play a big role: the faster the oven heats up, the more intense the heating elements work, the more electricity is consumed per unit of time.


It burns 1800 watts. Electrical energy consumption is affected by the selected program (operating time, water temperature, additional functions) and the dimensions of the dishwasher. If the water temperature is set to 50 degrees Celsius, the machine consumes 0.8 kW per hour.


It consumes 1538 watts. The flow rate depends on the pressure and temperature of the supplied air.


It consumes 1500 watts. Microwave ovens are more economical to operate than electric ovens.

In modern models, if the grill, microwave, and convection operate simultaneously, the electrical energy consumption increases, but much less time is spent on cooking food, which is much more economical.

The use of inverter technology in microwave ovens allows you to save both cooking time (up to 10%) and electrical energy (up to 15%). The type of enamel used to cover the stove also plays a big role in energy savings.


It burns 1100 watts. With a minimum operating time, irons consume almost as much electricity as some devices that work non-stop all month. To heat a large volume of liquid, increased power of the heating element is needed, so the electricity consumption will be much higher. The power of the heating element also affects the price of the iron.

Washing machine

Consumes 425 watts. The electricity required by a washing machine is not constant. Consumption is affected by the washing program, the weight of the laundry, and the material of the laundry. The average power of the majority of washing machines is from 2 to 2.5 kW per hour. Few car models consume so much electricity.


  • Plasma TV - 339 watts
  • The power consumption of an LCD monitor depends on its surface area.

The electrical energy consumption of a TV depends on factors such as:

  • quality of reproduced colors;
  • white balance;
  • static dynamic convergence of electron beams.

The level of electrical energy consumption of an LCD TV depends on the backlight lamp.


The energy consumption of the refrigerator depends on:

  • dimensions and purpose of the refrigeration unit, its additional functions,
  • conditions of use (on the ambient temperature and the number of openings of the refrigerator per day),
  • the regularity of loading food and the temperature of the products before putting them in the refrigerator.

Laptop or computer

  • Computer(power supply) - 120 watts. Electrical energy consumption is always affected by the power of the PC and its current load. Studies have shown that a typical office computer consumes approximately 100 W, a home computer consumes 200 W, and a high-end gaming computer consumes between 300 and 600 W. And guess what - the more you load your PC, the higher your energy bills.
  • Laptop- 80 watts. You can calculate the electricity consumption of your laptop. On the battery or on the back of the case you will find the letters "V" and "A" with numbers. Multiply these numbers and find out how much energy your laptop consumes per hour. This is the maximum value, but you can reduce it.

What increases energy consumption:

  • movies in HD quality;
  • 3D games that consume a lot of laptop resources;
  • too many simultaneously running applications;
  • high brightness on a large diagonal screen.

Even a turned off laptop consumes electricity if it is plugged into an outlet. This is about 5 watts.

Vacuum cleaner

Burns 650 watts. The lower the power consumption, the more economical the operation of the vacuum cleaner will be, and the less you will have to pay for electrical energy.

Water heater

Consumes 479 watts. The energy consumption of a water heater depends on the initial temperature of the heated water and the heating rate.


300 watts. Energy consumption depends on the type of products being processed. The harder the product, the more blender power is required to grind it, therefore, the more energy is wasted.


75 W. Energy consumption depends on the volume of air in the room and its humidity. The drier the air, the more water is sprayed into the air and, accordingly, the more energy is consumed.

Warm floor in the apartment

The following factors influence energy consumption:

  • Will the system just comfortably heat the room or will it be used to heat the entire room;
  • The level of thermal insulation of the room. If windows, walls and doors are well insulated, then the electricity consumption for heating will be insignificant.
  • Climate. The colder the weather, the greater the energy consumption.
  • Type of flooring. For example, you often want to make tiles warmer.
  • Number of people in the room. If no one is home often, then floor heating is not required, therefore, electricity is saved.
  • A type of thermostat that can save up to 30% heat.

If the comfortable heating mode is set, then the electricity consumption of the underfloor heating system is 110 - 160 W per square meter. If the main heating mode is set, the electricity consumption will be up to 200 W per square meter.

Such systems consume a lot of electricity only during the warm-up stage - reaching operating power. Having reached the temperature set by the user, the system reduces energy consumption by only maintaining the set temperature. The temperature regime is maintained by regularly turning the heated floor on and off. In total, the system works approximately 10-15 minutes per hour, therefore this will be about 6 hours per day.

We also invite you to watch a video about how you can save energy at home:

The power consumption of a computer will be of interest not only when purchasing a new power supply or uninterruptible power supply. For economic reasons, many users are very interested in how much energy a personal computer consumes during operation. In this article, the user will be able to familiarize themselves with all the methods for calculating computer power.

Old-fashioned way

If we are talking about saving electricity, then the power consumption of a computer is determined quite simply - you need to disconnect all household appliances from the electrical network, leaving only the personal computer on. After which you need to record the initial readings of the electric meter and after one hour the final readings. The difference between the received data will be the power consumption of the computer.

However, to conduct this experiment, the user must know that the computer at rest and under active load (for example, during a game) consumes different amounts of energy. Experts recommend subjecting your computer to a workload for one hour - running a powerful game or a synthetic test to determine the performance of a video card. Thus, the maximum power consumption will be recorded, which must be used in financial calculations in the future.

About efficiency

The power of the computer power supply is indicated on all devices presented on the market in the form of special markings. But buyers should not rely on it, since active power is important for computer components. Without going into physics, the user should know that in all power supplies there is power dissipation - heat generation and cooling, losses in electrical circuits and similar electrical leaks. In general, experts recommend subtracting 20% ​​from the declared power of the power supply manufacturer to obtain active power.

But if we are talking about such serious brands as Seasonic, Zalman, Thermaltake and similar devices in this gold category, then no additional calculations need to be made when purchasing. The manufacturer takes into account all losses in the efficiency of the power supply and labels its product with real data. Judging by the reviews of many owners of elite power supplies, the manufacturer’s data is often also underestimated by 5-10%.

Along the beaten track

There are many recommendations in the media for those who do not understand how to find out the power of a computer. Experts advise to completely trust the seller of the store where you purchase a personal computer. After all, more than one computer sale is made during the day, and the seller knows exactly how much power the power supply needs to be installed. An office computer will need 300 W, a home PC for multimedia should be equipped with a 400 W power supply, but a gaming PC will need 600 W or more, depending on the configuration. And the seller will choose the best brand, because he has sold more than a thousand such devices, and there is not a single return.

But on the other hand, which the buyer is completely unaware of, the seller has “stuck” power supplies in his warehouse that have long been discontinued and do not meet the manufacturer’s official warranty; they need to be sold urgently. Naturally, no one will make a real calculation of the power of the computer power supply.

Simple math

Why not take data from all the components that you plan to install in your personal computer? After all, according to the standard, the manufacturer is obliged to label its equipment, indicating its real and maximum energy consumption. It is quite possible to calculate the power of a computer in this way. Even the cooling system fans and case lighting are marked with electricity consumption.

Payment problems may arise for the buyer if he purchases inexpensive Chinese products, which are often not labeled. Also, on some components the manufacturer prefers not to indicate maximum power consumption. As a result of the calculation, it becomes clear that there can be no talk of any exact data. In any case, the result must be rounded up.

Official data

Many owners are more interested in the question of how to find out the power of a computer without disassembling the case. This is quite possible, and the accuracy of the data will be much higher. To do this, you need to refer to the data contained on the official website of the computer component manufacturer. It is considered good form if the manufacturer indicates a complete list of data on their device, including power consumption, so it will not be difficult for the user to find the necessary information. This method of calculating computer power still requires time.

  1. First you need to find out the full markings of the installed equipment. This can be done either by disassembling the computer or using special programs such as Aida, Astra or Everest.
  2. You need to find the manufacturer’s official website and understand its work.
  3. Find the required component and rewrite the energy consumption data.
  4. And only then will it be possible to effectively calculate the computer power (W).

Efficient calculators

Calculating the power of a computer power supply can be done easily and simply using a special calculator, which can be found on the official websites of manufacturers that specialize in the corresponding devices. For example, on the official websites of Cooler Master and ASUS, on the start page, the user is asked to perform such a calculation.

The advantage of the calculator is that it has its own database of all components available on the market. When new devices are released, the manufacturer immediately updates the database, providing the buyer with up-to-date data. The ease of use of the calculator is obvious: you select the necessary data from the list and get the result. In the media, IT specialists recommend increasing the data obtained after calculation with a calculator by 10-15% as a reserve. In such cases, when installing additional components, the subsequent power consumption of the computer will be within the limits of the effective operation of the power supply.

What not to do

Many users are interested in how to check the power of a computer using synthetic power supply performance tests. After all, there are many recommendations in the media on this matter, as well as links to resources where you can download software for conducting tests. It would be great to test the power supply to determine the maximum power of the computer. Having made your own conclusions, leave the system alone or purchase a new, powerful device.

Even serious manufacturers in the power supply market claim that such testing is a gamble, because the software forces all components in the computer to work at the limit of their capabilities, which no other program in the world does, including the most powerful games. The result of successful testing will be 100% computer power. But an unsuccessful result can lead to the failure of one or more devices in the system. Whether such testing is necessary is up to the user to decide.


As can be seen from the review, the power consumption of a computer is calculated very easily and does not require special knowledge of physics or mathematics. All computer owners, as well as potential buyers, are recommended to make the calculations themselves. In addition, the cost of a power supply is directly proportional to the power, and there is no point in overpaying for some recommendations that are not confirmed by real data. Don’t forget that too powerful a power supply leads to an increase in power consumption, taking energy for your own needs, and this entails daily financial costs for paying for electricity.

Just recently I was looking at system units in online stores. After weighing all the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that it is better to buy components separately and have the freedom to assemble the system unit on your own and at the same time save a fairly decent amount of money. I haven’t fully decided on the components yet, but I have already selected a certain set of components and I needed to calculate the power of the power supply for the computer. Knowing the power consumption parameters of all components, you can approximately calculate the power of the power supply on paper.

What parameters do you need to know in order to calculate the power of the power supply for the system unit? First, you need to know the power consumption of the processor and video card, physical memory size, type and frequency. Secondly, the number, volume and type of storage (hard drive or SSD), as well as the presence and type of drives. In addition, it is important to know the class of the motherboard and its power consumption, as well as the type of cooling system. I listed all the components for the example offhand. After all, the computer configuration may use different internal components, expansion cards (for example, a TV tuner or sound card), and then their presence will need to be taken into account when calculating power consumption.

Calculating the exact consumption of a system unit is not a problem for a specialist, but sometimes it is not easy for a beginning geek. Therefore, in calculations you should always take what is called a reserve. Suddenly you decide to install a second video card, if of course the motherboard allows it.

If you buy a power supply that is not powerful enough or make a mistake in the calculations, then due to a lack of power supply to all computer components, it will turn off when the system is fully loaded. You will have to return it or keep it. If you are still on your way to becoming a specialist, I recommend using a specialized power supply power calculator for calculations.

Energy consumption calculator for calculating the power of a power supply.

It doesn't matter what you decide to build, upgrade or overclock. A well-balanced home HTPC media server or a modern and powerful gaming computer, or maybe you decide to replace the video card and add a second hard drive. In any case, I recommend that you use an online calculator to calculate the power of the power supply.

Looking ahead, I want to say that with prolonged loads (24/7) of the computer, the power of the power supply begins to fall within a year. This occurs due to the loss of capacitance of the capacitors and subsequently the power supply weakens. Therefore, be sure to consider how many hours a day the computer will work. Fortunately, this calculator has such a parameter on the “Expert” tab, and on the “Basic” tab a standard keyboard, mouse and 8 hours of machine use per day are already included in the calculations.

  • Motherboard - Motherboard. Several types are available. Desktop is a desktop computer form factor.
  • CPU - Processor. Here you need to choose one of two well-known brands: AMD or Intel.
  • Socket - Nest. A slot on the motherboard for the processor. Multiple selection is activated after determining the processor manufacturer.
  • CPU count applies only if the system has more than 1 physical CPU — Number of physical processors. This setting should only be changed if you plan (and have the ability) to use more than one processor on the system.
  • CPU Utilization. How effectively the cooling system removes heat.
  • Memory - Memory. Here select the type and number of memory modules you need. On the Expert tab there is an option FB DIMMs. This is a standard for improving the reliability, speed, and density of the memory subsystem.
  • Video Cards - Video card. You need to select the desired type from the drop-down list. The SLI / CF option must be activated if you plan to use multiple video cards
  • Storage - Storage. For example, I chose the first hard drive with a SATA interface and a spindle speed of 10,000 RPM, and the second SSD.
  • Optical Drives - Optical drive. I've been using it quite rarely lately, but I chose it in the calculator as an example.

After you click on the “Calculate” button, the calculation of the minimum and recommended power of the power supply will be performed. Here you will also receive offers from Amazon, which you can use or use as a guide to purchase the model you need from another store. It should be said that in the “Expert” mode you can also include expansion cards (TV tuner, sound card, controllers, etc.), Bitcoin modules, coolers, etc. into the calculation.

Finding out how much electricity a computer spends is made difficult by the fact that a computer is a complex device. Its power generally depends on the hardware - the installed processor, video card, number of monitors. The second factor is the time and purpose of using the PC. It would seem that the longer a computer runs, the more energy it requires to function. But the system may have a simple office software package open, or maybe a resource-demanding game. Therefore, you should take into account not only purely technical characteristics, but also the software and games being launched.

How to find out and calculate the electricity consumption of a computer? We have identified two main methods:

  • using special sites;
  • and with direct measurement of meter readings.

To most accurately measure the amount of energy consumed, you need to know the technical aspects of your computer. What program allows me to determine how many watts of power my PC is using? There are sites designed to calculate the power of equipment. We will use the OuterVision service. It allows you to calculate the power of a computer power supply using a calculator integrated into the site.

The site calculates the power of the iron. After all, the more sophisticated the PC, the more energy it consumes. Working with the service is simple - we fill in the table with data about the computer components and calculate its potential power.

Note! There are two types of calculators on the site: advanced (Expert) and simple (Basic). It will be enough for the average user to use the simple mode, especially considering that the site is in English and it can get confusing.

Measuring electricity consumption of a computer or laptop through the OuterVision service

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Let's start filling out the computer information. First of all, we indicate the type of motherboard. For personal computers, select “Desktop”.

Step 4. CPU – processor data.

Here you can select the number of cores, or find your own processor in the search bar - the site’s database is large.

Step 5. Memory – RAM. Either select the quantity from the first drop-down list, or indicate specifically from the second. We recommend using the second one, since the speed of the RAM depends on the type (DDR) and affects the performance of the PC, and, consequently, the amount of energy consumed.

Step 6 The site allows you to determine the video card with accuracy down to a specific model. The energy that goes into a computer is highly dependent on two key devices: the process and the video card.

The first point is to select the card manufacturer (AMD, Nvidia).

Then we indicate the number of video cards installed in the PC (useful for gamers - often several cards are installed on gaming computers).

The last point is to find your specific model in the list.

Step 7 Storage – we are talking about hard drives. Specifically, about the types of their connection. The parameter is not of fundamental importance - the hard drive has virtually no effect on the energy consumed by the computer.

Step 8 Optical Drives – presence of a disk drive. If you don't have one, skip this step.

Step 9 Monitor. We set the number of connected monitors (the more monitors, the more powerful the video card is overclocked, and other highly loaded processes are connected). For each monitor we indicate the number of inches.

Step 10 That's all for purely technical characteristics. Two points follow:

Step 11 When all fields are filled in, all that remains is to start calculating the approximate amount of energy consumed. To do this, click on the blue “Calculate” button.

Note! To completely change the data in the filled fields and enter them again, click the orange “Reset” button.

Step 12 Let's look at the results. The service analyzes the entered data within a few seconds and displays the result.

Load Wattage is the number we are looking for. This is the amount of energy consumed. In our case it is 265 watts.

It’s that simple, in a few clicks you can determine the power consumption of your computer.

How to find out the power of a computer without using third-party programs?

How to find out how much electricity your computer consumes: alternative methods

There are two more ways to obtain information about energy consumption.

Method 1. Wattmeter. A device designed to accurately measure the electrical energy consumed by a specific appliance. Sold in online stores at an average price of 10-20 dollars. It will be useful for those who assemble “farms” intended for mining Bitcoins.

Method 2. Here you will have to show skill. This method is suitable if you live in an apartment alone. The bottom line: turn off absolutely all devices that consume electricity. The only thing is that you can leave a simple light bulb (then you just need to subtract 100 watts from the calculation). We turn on the computer and note the time of its actual operation. Moreover, you can customize the method for different situations - check the energy consumption when working with office applications, games, or in sleep mode. After the end of the recorded time, all that remains is to count the revolutions on the counter.

How much electricity does a computer consume per hour?

The first way to find out is to return to the OuterVision website and set the Computer Utilization Time parameter to “1 hour per day.” However, we will get a theoretical, approximate result.

The second method is to turn off all devices, mark one hour and count the meter readings. How much electricity does your computer consume in sleep mode?

Sleep mode is a compromise solution for weak PCs.

If you do not use the computer for some time, then turning it on and off takes a lot of time - the system loads internal components, programs open from startup. Sleep mode saves energy; on average, when using it, a PC consumes 100-200 watts. To save even more power in sleep mode, we recommend turning off peripheral devices (printers, scanners) and the monitor.

Should you turn off your computer to reduce energy consumption?

Turning off your computer completely saves energy. However, if you use a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) in your work, the PC will still run the counter. The reason for this is the slow background charging of the UPS battery. If the UPS has not managed to accumulate enough energy while the computer is running, the remainder will be gradually replenished when sleep mode is activated and even after the PC is turned off. Therefore, we recommend turning off the UPS at night or when you are away from home for a long time.

How to reduce your computer's energy consumption

Video - How to find out how many watts a computer consumes

It is very useful to know how much electricity your computer consumes. First, this knowledge will provide you with a basis for calculating your energy costs. Secondly, you will be able to adjust the “stuffing” of your computer in order to save money or increase its performance, if the price per kW/hour in your region does not scare you with its uniqueness. So, let's try to figure out how much electricity our “iron friend” absorbs.

Computer energy consumption

Not everyone knows that the amount of energy consumed by a computer depends on its power, on its components, and even on the workload of the computer (in terms of volume and time). In other words, different computers translate your time into money in different ways. So, the more powerful the computer, the higher its “appetite”.

Sources of computer energy consumption

  • System unit
  • Monitor
  • Periphery

Now, in order.

System unit

To calculate how much electricity your computer consumes from the system unit, find out the power of your power supply. This number can be found in the documentation or under the cover of the system unit (on the left). In the latter case, it is better to contact a specialist; you should not disassemble it yourself, it can be dangerous.

So, for home computers this figure varies from 300 to 450 W. Gaming platforms with many “power-hungry” components will cost 600 - 1800 Watts.


In general, a monitor also belongs to the periphery, but we have included it in a separate item, since everyone still has one, unlike, for example, a scanner, printer, audio system, etc.

The monitor's power consumption in operating mode can vary from 5 W to 150 W. It all depends on the operating mode (standby), the brightness of the monitor, its working area (diagonal) and design features.


Information about the power consumption of peripheral devices can also be found in documentation, data sheets, etc.

Calculation of computer energy consumption

Since the system load is usually not 100%, we will make an average calculation: let your computer consume electricity at half the maximum. In fact, it will be a little less for office solutions and a little more for gaming solutions. This is due to the different proportionality of the ratio of inactivity time / peak load of the system.

By adding up the consumption of the system unit with the monitor and peripherals, multiplying by the operating time, you will get those same kilowatts paid monthly - the hours consumed by your computer.