Mouse cursor for windows 7 vampire. Cursors for the CursorXP program. Custom cursor sets

We use a mouse every day while working with a computer. The usual and inconspicuous cursor arrow has long been boring, and many would like to replace it with a more interesting and attractive pointer.

Now this problem of dull design can be easily solved with the help of our website. There is a wide range of different cursors available here, which you can download absolutely free. Interesting figures, fruits, vegetables, miniature animals, hi-tech cursors - this is not a complete list of options presented on the site.

Cursors for Windows are absolutely free, so you don’t need to spend money to make your computer look original and unique. Before downloading the option you like, you can first study the entire range of the site and only after that, decide which design suits you.

Installing cursors for Windows is very simple; all you need to do is click the mouse button and enjoy the result. These incredibly interesting designs are suitable for any Windows operating system and will make working on your computer more enjoyable. With our cursors, you can pleasantly surprise your loved ones and acquaintances.

Falcon 6 Colors - a set of luxurious color cursors

Falcon 6 Colors is a set of luxurious cursors (mouse pointers), made in the style of futuristic fantasy and in six bright color options. Such signs have a place in video games, but they will perfectly complement the design theme in a sci-fi style, for example. Each kit is equipped with a simple installer for more convenient installation (INF file).

D-Light is a set of cursors designed in a fairly clean manner, with light colors and classic sizes. The pointers are perfect for the desktop theme in dark colors. The set is equipped with an INF file for easy installation and includes 17 pointers, including several animated ones.

Crystal Clear v3.0 is a large set of transparent cursors designed for fans of the glass effect in the design of the operating system interface. The signs are drawn at a high quality level, perfectly animated, and are offered in two versions that differ in size. Each version is accompanied by a set of 21 bonus cursors, which in turn differ in color and design of some elements.

The kit is equipped with a simple installer (inf file) and is distributed by the author for free. For an additional fee, he offers to purchase a premium edition of the set, for which he has implemented higher-quality animation.

Night Diamond Sapphire Blue - bright animated signs

Night Diamond v2.0 | Sapphire Blue is a set of medium-sized animated cursors that combine black and blue colors in their design. The pointers will fit perfectly with the default desktop wallpaper used in Windows 10, and thanks to animation, they will not get lost in their background.

Cursors for the Windows 7 operating system will be an excellent addition to the artisanal personalization of your computer, because a unique cursor for Windows 10 will present its owner as a person who is well versed in the intricacies of setting up the system, and will also bring pleasant variety to the process of working at the computer.

The cursor is perhaps one of the most functionally adaptable controls in all operating systems. However, at the same time it also performs an aesthetic function, because a beautiful mouse pointer for Windows 10 is pleasing to the eye. There is nothing supernatural about how to change the mouse cursor on Windows 7, and anyone can do it.

Setting up mouse pointers

The main cursor formats for Windows 10 will be .ani and its alternative .cur. The first of the presented extensions is used to create an animated pointer, and the second is used primarily for static cursors. Using this information, you can personally begin to create a static or animated index, although it will be easier to find ready-made ones on the World Wide Web.

After a complex choice on the external qualities of the cursor has been made, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

Changes take effect immediately after you click Apply, so they are visible until you close the workspace.

If installation from a document called .inf fails, then you need to open the command line (to open it, hold down the Windows + R key combination from the keyboard and type the command cmd. exe in the “Run” window). Then write in it: rundll32 syssetup, SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultInstall 128 *path to file*\Installer.inf

A small note! In some assemblies the file. inf will be missing. But don't panic, this means that the automatic installation of the pointer kit will not happen, and the value of each element will have to be configured independently:

Installation instructions on Windows 10

On the latest version of the Windows operating system, minor changes have been made to the interface. To install your own set of pointers to ten, you will need to perform the following steps:

Designing your own kit

If the packages of colored “arrows” found on the Internet did not bring proper aesthetic satisfaction, there are several ways to create them manually. One of them is to download and install a special program, the task of which will be to create new “arrows”. The essence of the other is make cursor.png picture with a missing background and a mouse pointer design of interest (the desired image size is 128x128, but no more), and then convert it to a .cur file through any conversion program capable of this.

The resulting result is established using standard methods. Its only major drawback is the inability to set the position of the “tip of the arrow” (in the standard version it will be located slightly below the upper left edge of the picture).

Main sites providing cursors is a resource that provides numerous materials for complete individual personalization of your device. The site features icons, wallpapers, themes, skins and pointers. The positive aspect is the fast downloading and wide selection of materials provided. Link to access cursors: is another site containing a variety of resources for decorating a personal computer. Its assortment includes wallpapers, themes, fonts, programs and much more that will allow you to turn your car into a unique device. The download is direct, you just need to click on the button. Link to cursor catalog:

7 themes. su - also makes it possible to change the appearance of a laptop or PC. It presents a large collection of various tools for completely changing the external shell of the operating system, including cursors for Windows 10. To download from the site, registration is required, which makes it less attractive compared to other sites of a similar profile. Link:

In addition to them, there are many different Internet resources that provide access to the selected topic. Therefore, there is no problem in how to change the mouse cursor on Windows 10.

Here you will find a collection of cursors, step-by-step instructions for installing them, and our recommendations. Don't quit, we tried our best!

The cursor is another element of the operating system's graphical interface. With its help, you can visually see the virtual mouse pointer and control its movement. By default, Windows 7 and XP have a small set of custom cursors. But the proposed options are quite few. We suggest you download several sets of cursors for Windows, and then install them on the system using our instructions.

Custom cursor sets

Choose the one you like and download it. After this, we will move directly to installing cursors.

Step-by-step installation instructions are at the end of the article. -

After clicking on the "Download Now" button, you will be transferred to the Google Drive service. To download the archive with cursors, press Ctrl+S, or the "File" button, then "Download".

PS. Now everything is simpler - we transferred the files to the site. Download via direct links.

Installing Cursors

We will look at the process using Windows XP as an example - in turn, in the seven everything is similar.

Note: we will show you how to write formulas in Word. There's nothing complicated about it

All installed cursors are stored in the C:\windows\Cursors folder - the drive on which the operating system is installed is used. It looks like this:

First, let's create a folder for new cursors. You can choose any name for it. We remind you that to do this, call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button. Then Create -> Folder.

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After that, you need to copy new cursors into it. You can download them for free from our website, or find them online. Transfer all the files in the set to the folder you just created.

Now we need to go to the mouse settings: Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse.

We will see a settings dialog. Here we need to go to the "Pointers" tab. The current set of cursors will appear in front of you. Now you need to select a new style for each mode one by one: main mode, help, graphic selection, etc.

You should highlight each mode in turn, then click the "Browse" button and select the desired option from the prepared set of cursors.

Note that it is not necessary to use cursors from only one set. For each mode, you can choose any of the available ones. Thus, create your own unique cursor theme.

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Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

A beautiful mouse cursor can be installed on your computer in different ways. They will be discussed in this article. With them you can change the shape of the cursor and give it an original look.

A beautiful mouse cursor, why do we need it?

Hello, friends! While working at the computer, you have to change the computer mouse cursor. What is it for? After all, she already has a standard Windows cursor.

This need arises due to the desire of users to install a beautiful mouse cursor so that its shape and color can change. For example, there is a regular cursor in Windows that seems small and barely noticeable.

You may need to make your cursor larger to quickly type text in Worde without unnecessary spaces. A large cursor is also useful for recording video lessons; this will help the viewer see the actions being performed.

How to set the mouse cursor

So how do you set the mouse cursor? There is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to choose the appropriate method and follow the instructions:

  1. Automatic placement of the cursor for a computer mouse. This option for installing cursors is suitable for all operating systems. You just need to download a set of cursors from the Internet and install them through a special installer file.
  2. Manual cursor setting. This method will take you a little time. This way the cursor will be positioned through .
  3. Create your own cursor. In this case, you can draw a cursor on the service yourself and save it to your computer. This will be discussed later in the article.

We have discussed the methods for setting the cursor. Now, let's move on to the instructions, which will show all the processes for installing cursors in Windows 10 and 7.

Beautiful mouse cursor for Windows 10

Before we install a beautiful mouse cursor, we will find it on the Internet and download it to our computer. To do this, go to any browser and in its search write “Download cursors for a computer mouse” (Screen 1).

Then, you need to click the “Download from server” button (Screen 3).

To download cursors to your computer.

This file downloads quickly and will then appear in downloads on your computer. Next, it is necessary. For example, move a folder from an archive with mouse cursors to your computer desktop.

We downloaded a cursor folder called "LeafSimple". We go into it and find an installation file there with the name “Install.inf” (Screen 4).

Right-click on it and select “Install” from the menu sections. Subsequently, you will have a window open (Mouse Properties) in which you need to click the “OK” button so that the action is confirmed and the mouse cursor is installed.

This is a simple way to set the cursor. There are other options that will be considered further.

Installing mouse pointers for Windows 7

Windows 7 has all the tools to set the mouse cursor. Let's consider the manual method of setting the cursor. First of all, find the cursors you need on the Internet and download them to your computer.

In the window that appears, select the section “Changing mouse pointers” and “Pointers” (Screen 6).

To quickly search for “Mouse Properties,” you can use the search button on your computer. Open the Start menu and write “Mouse” in the search. Next, go to its settings.

You can also use the “Browse” button to download previously downloaded cursors from the Internet from your computer. Click on it in the mouse property and select the folder with pointers on the computer (Screen 8).

If you don’t want to waste time searching and downloading a cursor on the Internet, you can make it yourself. Especially for you on the Internet, a service was found - (, which has all the tools for creating cursors.

The service is easy to use. We go to its page and select the shape of the mouse pointer that you can draw. Next, draw it with a mouse using a pencil at your discretion (Screen 9).

If errors occur while drawing the pointer, it’s okay. Click on the “Eraser” function and simply erase unnecessary lines. You can replace the mouse pointer with a different color by using the color palette on the right side of the service.

When your cursor is ready, click “Download” to download it to your computer (Screen 10).

It can only be installed manually. To do this, repeat the method of setting the cursor through the “Browse” button, which was discussed above, and you will succeed.


We have looked at the best ways to help you install a beautiful mouse cursor on your computer for free. All of them have been tested in practice, you can safely choose any of them. You can create a folder on your computer with indexes that you download from the Internet. This way you will save them and not lose them. All the best!

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