The best case for a smartphone in my opinion. Choosing a case for a smartphone: materials, types, tips Which phone is the case suitable for?

Buyers in showrooms sometimes spend even more time choosing a case for a smartphone than choosing the gadget itself. It's understandable: it is the case that plays a decisive role in how the smartphone will look. However, in the catalogs of cellular communication stores and electronics stores, there is a clear imbalance: there are a lot of cases for iPhone and Samsung of different types on the shelves, but to buy an accessory for a Chinese model like Xiaomi or Meizu- a real problem.

But this problem has a solution. In this article we will tell you where and how to buy a case for any smartphone, and also clarify whether it is worth buying a universal accessory.

Demonstrating the bright personality of the owner of the gadget is not the only reason why a case is necessary. This accessory also performs other functions:

  • Serves for protection. The protective function is the main one– any case, even with the most non-trivial design, should be able to save the gadget if it falls or soften the blow.
  • Serves for convenience. The case provides friction, which reduces the risk of the gadget slipping out of your hand to a minimum. In addition, the case makes it more comfortable to use a device with a metal case during the cold season.

What are the covers made of?

The material for the case can be:

  • Leather. Unfortunately, most of the “leather” cases are made not of natural material, but of leatherette. The buyer can verify this when he reads the contents of the label. The low value of the material explains the minimal cost of such covers (200-300 rubles). A genuine leather clip case from Apple costs about 3,500 rubles.
  • Plastic. Cases made from this material are the cheapest - in showrooms you can find similar accessories costing less than 100 rubles. The main disadvantage lies in tactile sensations: Touching a plastic case is much less pleasant than touching a leather one. But plastic is a flexible material: you can use it to create an accessory of even the most bizarre shape.
  • Textile. Fabric covers are a thing of the past and are in demand only among inveterate conservatives. A fabric case is not able to save the gadget if it falls - it can only protect from dust and scratches. The cost of such accessories is very low - in showrooms they are, as a rule, listed as stock goods and are sold for 50-70 rubles.
  • Silicone. The silicone case is another anachronism. Such products were at the peak of popularity ten years ago - then they were put on push-button models. Nowadays you can find silicone back panel covers in stores – and at minimal prices. Silicone has a significant disadvantage - it doesn't last long: a case made of this material literally falls apart after just a few months of use.
  • Tree. A wooden case is a real find for lovers of environmentally friendly materials. However, such an accessory is quite difficult to find in store windows - in addition, its cost may turn out to be an unpleasant surprise for the buyer.
  • Metal. From a protection point of view, there are no questions about metal cases - they provide the best protection compared to products made from other materials. However, a metal case significantly increases the weight of the gadget, and this can cause inconvenience to the owner of the mobile device. In addition, the cost of metal accessories is quite high.

What types of covers are there?

Cases differ from each other not only in the materials from which they are made, but also in the way the gadget is attached, the degree of protection, shape, and design. Based on all the above criteria, we can determine that the covers come in the following types:

Flip case (aka – folding cover). This case is often called a book, but this is wrong: book covers look different. The folding cover consists of two panels: front And rear. The back has side edges that secure the device. The front one covers the screen when the smartphone is not in use, and folds down when there is a need to take a call.

Flip cases are very popular. This case perfectly performs a protective function, protecting the gadget from all sides. The user can easily access all connectors and physical buttons. Flip cases do not have any particularly significant disadvantages, but when purchasing, you should pay attention to how the front panel is connected to the back. If the fastening is unreliable, the front panel may simply fall off during operation.

Recently, flip cases without side edges have become common - the gadget is attached with Velcro. It is not recommended to buy such cases for a number of reasons (even despite their cheapness): Firstly, the smartphone inside such a product is not fixed securely enough and may fall out, Secondly, there will probably be a trace of the Velcro on the back of the gadget.

Case-book (aka case-cover). Just like the flip case, it consists of two panels, but the front panel folds down not down, but sideways.

Such cases have a rather presentable appearance and are very popular, especially among girls. In addition, they provide reliable protection. But book covers also have disadvantages. The main one becomes obvious the first time you try to answer a call: the front panel has to be folded behind the back panel when talking, otherwise, it covers the user's face and is wildly in the way. The second disadvantage is that now more and more book covers are produced with Velcro, and such fastening, as we have already noticed, is unreliable.

Since 2013, universal book covers with large cutouts on the back panels (for a camera, flashlight, etc.) have appeared on the market. The cost of a universal case is much lower than the cost of the original one, but the buyer will most likely be disappointed with it.

Cover cover. According to many portals, the overlay is the most popular type of case for smartphones. In fact, this is doubtful: book covers and flip cases look much more impressive and protect more reliably. The cover covers only the back and sides - the screen remains vulnerable.

There are two advantages of cover covers: Firstly, they do not increase the weight and size of mobile devices, Secondly, they give scope for bold design solutions. Let's say that a version of the cover with bunny ears is popular among young girls. The main drawback was mentioned in passing: since the screen is not protected, the owner of the gadget has to glue the film.

Cover covers can be made of various materials. Accessories made of silicone and plastic are more common, while accessories made of metal and wood are less common.

Bumper. The bumper only covers the sides of the smartphone. Because of this, there is a feeling that the gadget is not protected at all.

However, the bumper protects the smartphone much more reliably than it seems. The edges of such an accessory protrude slightly above the surface of the smartphone, so if the gadget falls flat directly on the screen, there will be no damage - it is the bumper that will take the hit. The advantages of such a case are: cheapness, and also that he practically does not change the appearance of the device– let’s say, for many iPhone users it is extremely important to show that they have an iPhone in their hands.

Case. This option is the simplest and one of the cheapest, but this type of case cannot be called comfortable. The device fits completely into the case and is removed from it using a strap.

The case is made of opaque material and has no cutouts that would give access to connectors and physical buttons. The main advantage of the case is its ability to provide comprehensive protection for the gadget.

The popularity of such cases is in the past, and one of the reasons for this is the global trend towards increasing the size of mobile devices. A case for a smartphone with a screen diagonal of 5.5 inches would look completely ridiculous.

Holster. The holster case, which is attached to a belt, is still in demand among men, although it looks like an “alien from the past.”

The holster has two advantages: Firstly, it really reliably protects the gadget, Secondly, the holster is easy to fit to almost any size smartphone. However, in order to use a mobile device, you will have to completely remove it from such a case, and this is not convenient for everyone. Besides, case-holster - an outdated solution: a young man who “dresses” his gadget in this way risks being ridiculed by his peers.

There are other types of cases - say, waterproof, sports type, with an additional battery - but they are less common than those listed and seem more like specific solutions.

How to choose a case for a smartphone?

First of all, you should refuse to purchase universal covers, which salon consultants quite often impose on customers as a worthy alternative in the absence of original accessories.

A universal book is not capable of efficiently performing any of the traditional functions of a cover. It cannot guarantee reliable protection because the smartphone is attached to the back panel only with Velcro. The design of the universal case is also unlikely to please – most of these accessories are made in a very ascetic style.

To buy a smartphone case and not regret it, follow these tips:

Decide if you need a caseurgently or you can wait. If your smartphone is “dressed” in an old case that is “on its last legs”, but can continue to protect the gadget for some time, you should order a new accessory from one of the Chinese online stores (for example, GearBest or AliExpress). Chinese trading platforms have become a real discovery for Russians - here the prices are lower and the range is wider. For owners of rare smartphone models, Chinese portals are a panacea; In the catalogs of these stores you can find a case for almost any gadget. There’s just one problem: on average, you have to wait a month and a half for delivery from China.

If you do not have a case that can temporarily protect your gadget, it is better not to risk it - you should abandon the option from China and purchase the accessory in the salon.

Decide on the material and type of the future cover. Each user has his own subjective preferences and roughly imagines “his ideal case.” You shouldn't compromise when choosing a case - this is the best way to be disappointed in your purchase.

Don't buy a cover from a dealership without trying it on.. Even if it is written on the box that the accessory is intended specifically for the model that is in your pocket, you need to take the case out of the package and put it on your smartphone Necessarily. Why is it important? There is often real chaos in the warehouses of retail outlets, especially when audits are carried out. As a result, the accessory in the box may not be the one stated on the label.

Feel free to ask for an exchange. You don't need a solid reason for this - suffice it to say that I didn’t like the accessory. The exchange must be carried out under the simultaneous fulfillment of three conditions:

  • No more than 2 weeks have passed since the purchase;
  • The accessory has retained its presentation.
  • The buyer has a receipt.

Return the case back to the store without packaging possible– but it’s still better to save the packaging. It will be difficult for store consultants to sell a case that does not have a box.


When choosing which smartphone case is best suited, you should take into account not only the appearance of the accessory, but also the degree of its ability to protect the gadget. Book covers and flip cases provide excellent protection, which is why it is recommended to prefer them to overlays and bumpers.

Nowadays, almost every person has a mobile device in their pocket. Its main purpose is to receive calls. But, due to developing technologies, many people prefer to buy phones with a huge list of functions and applications. The internal and external appearance of a smartphone is affected by its cost, which means that the owner wants the mobile phone to last a long time. Carrying it around in your pocket or bag with your keys will quickly ruin its appearance. In this case, a special accessory should be used. We want to help you choose cases and tell you about their main types and materials.

Materials for cases
Phone cases are presented on the market in various variations:

Leather ones look very stylish and elegant, giving their owner additional prestige. This material is not durable and cannot protect the phone in the event of a shock or fall.

Fabric ones are one of the most affordable types of covers, as their cost is low. Of course, they will not be able to protect your mobile phone from serious damage, but they can protect the screen from scratches. Such covers get dirty and tear very quickly.

Knitted ones have a denser structure than fabric ones, but are also not able to provide reliable protection to the phone. In addition, they stretch and wear out over time.

Plastic cases are quite durable and practical. However, if the smartphone is dropped hard, they break and become damaged. The cost of such cases is average.

Silicone – soft, pleasant to the touch. They are able to protect the phone from damage, but at the same time they tend to slip and allow particles of dirt to pass through, which scratch the outer panel of the mobile phone.

Thermoplastic polyurethane covers are perhaps one of the best and most reliable. They are presented in the form of a hard gel that perfectly holds the shape of the smartphone without slipping off it.

Types of cases
The variety of such accessories is simply mind-boggling. It is often difficult for a person to choose a suitable case that will be practical in its use. Main types of covers:

A book or folding bed is one of the most convenient cases. The smartphone is fixed to its base and covered with a folding panel; The accessory provides easy access to the phone.

The case is convenient and compact, equipped with a strap that holds the device and helps to remove it.

Bumper – attached to the edges of the device, has special holes for the side buttons. Most often made of metal or silicone.

The bag-cover has a zipper closure at the edges. It is very easy to use, but when removing the mobile phone you need to constantly unfasten the lock, which is not very convenient.

Cover – attaches to the back and sides of the smartphone without covering the screen. It protects against minor damage and scratches.

The holster is a men's version. It has a special fastener that can be used to hook the cover onto your trousers. It has a magnetic clasp, which allows you to quickly get to your phone.

There are a few other things to consider before purchasing a case.
1. Size – it is worth matching it with the phone so that it is not too big or too small.
2. Smartphone model – there are cases designed for one or another type of phone.
3. Convenience – it’s worth trying on the case for your mobile phone and touching it.
4. Quality - check for defects, holes or hanging threads.

Remember, you need to choose a case not only for the beautiful design of your mobile phone, but you also need to think about its safety and security. After all, the main purpose of the covers is to protect the device from external negative influences.

The case is needed to ensure that the phone serves you for as long as possible and at the same time looks as if it was just bought. Depending on the model, cases protect gadgets to varying degrees from chips, scratches, dust and even water.

Besides, the easiest way to change the design of your smartphone is to put a case on it. So you can change the color, pattern and shape of the gadget to suit your mood at least every day.

There are many models, but all of them can be divided into special ones (for a specific model) and universal ones, which are used with different smartphones.

Cases are produced for all brands of phones (follow the links for current models):

Materials and their features:

  • Leather ones are durable, reliable and very respectable. Plastic and pleasant to the touch;
  • Plastic – lightweight, flexible, with high protective properties, durable. This material makes it possible to create cases of various shapes and sizes;
  • Silicone and gel are elastic, perfectly absorb shock when dropped, and practically do not add volume or weight to the phone. Minus - sometimes it may not fit tightly on the phone body and slide off, stretch and tear if handled carelessly;
  • Metal – reliable and aesthetic. They serve for a very long time, but significantly add weight to the device, and their price is quite high;
  • Wooden – for fans of eco-materials. They are durable, lightweight and original looking;
  • Fabric ones are cheap and light. They are unlikely to protect the device from damage if dropped, but they are quite effective at protecting against scratches. The variety of fabric textures and colors allows you to create a masterpiece, even with your own hands. This also includes knitted covers.

Types of cases

We've sorted out the materials. Now let's look at the main types of cases:

  • Trim, cover;
  • Bumper;
  • Cover, book, flip;
  • Case, pocket;
  • Holster;
  • Sports;
  • Extreme.


One of the most popular is the cover cover. It is a cover that fits onto the back of the phone, covering the side panels as well. Thus, the gadget is protected from almost all sides. Lids are available in a variety of colors and materials. Since the screen remains open, it is better to use with a protective film.

The overlay can be either voluminous and dense, or incredibly thin. For example, the thickness of the Ultra Thin silicone cover for iPhone 6 is only 0.3 mm!

There are linings with a secret. If you are not satisfied with the battery capacity of your phone, you can buy a battery case (follow the link - battery cases for iPhone 4 / 4S), such as Momax iPower 5 2250 mAh Extended Battery Charging Case, which will extend the battery life of the gadget.

Book, cover, flip

This is one of the most reliable options. In this case, the phone is completely enclosed: the back and side panels are fixed in a rigid base, and the screen is covered with a lid. Depending on the method of opening/closing the lid, they are divided into:

  • Books – opens from the side like a book. Follow the link - books for iPhone 6;
  • Flips – opens from the bottom. Follow the link for flips for iPhone 6.

Some models have compartments for cards or money. And for large smartphones, books with a lid-stand, like most, will be relevant.

Case, pocket

The simple design of this case protects your gadget from all sides. Can be closed with a magnetic clasp. Depending on the density of the material, it has varying degrees of protection against shocks and falls. The disadvantage of this design is the need to completely remove the device each time.


A case that resembles a book, but is attached to the belt. On the one hand, the phone is always at hand and difficult to lose, on the other hand, it can get in the way when moving.


Sports models are created for maximum comfort for the owner when playing sports, if he uses the phone as a player or simply does not want to miss an important call. The sports case should be fixed, for example, on the biceps and not interfere with active activities. Moisture resistance and reliable fixation of the phone are other features of this model.


The name speaks for itself - in such a case, the smartphone should have maximum protection from water, dirt, snow and hard impacts. The design most often consists of a solid case in which the device is placed. Examples of such cases are Otterbox Armor, Griffin Survivor, Lunatik Taktik Extreme and others.

What a phone case should not be

Among the variety of models, there are also those that should be immediately thrown into the trash, so as not to confuse the honest consumer. So, here are the signs by which you can identify a bad case:

  1. The buttons and connectors of the smartphone do not match the holes in the case for them. To avoid purchasing such a case, be sure to try it on before purchasing;
  2. The case pinches the screen. This is a problem with some back panel covers, which, due to their too tight edges, put pressure on the screen;
  3. Doesn't stick well to the device. This problem usually occurs with rubber pads. When thin and overly soft rubber edges slide off the side panels at any opportunity, this does not add comfort to use;
  4. Poor quality materials and printing. If the manufacturer has saved on materials, then such a product will be cheaper, but will quickly lose its appearance.

So, in order to buy the optimal case, you should decide how serious protective functions you need. For some people, models with minimal protection, but a bright design and an unusual shape are suitable. And for some, the complete safety of the gadget comes first.

A mobile phone is one of those things in life, along with a car or household appliance, that can be sold many times. Therefore, most people who actively use the gadget are interested in maintaining its presentation. At the moment, nothing more practical and cheaper than the good old cover has yet been invented.

Bumper or cover?

When buying a mobile phone, you immediately want to purchase a number of accessories that are very important. The new generation of smartphones are made mainly of glass, plastic and metal. These materials are quite reliable, but at the same time, falls from a height and careless handling can cause scratches, chips and even cracks. All this has a bad effect not only on the appearance of the smartphone, but also on its correct operation. In some cases, it will be necessary to replace expensive components and have them replaced at a service center. Of course, you will have to be left without a smartphone for a while. This will upset anyone, because we have long been accustomed to mobile communications and other useful functions of a smartphone and would not want to be deprived of them even for a day.

In order for your smartphone to serve faithfully for many years, you need to take care of protecting it from adverse external influences. This can primarily be protective films and glass, as well as all kinds of linings and bumpers. But the main accessory that protects your gadget is still the case.

Covers can be made of leather, faux leather, fabric, or polymer materials. The main thing is that the case exactly fits the size of the smartphone. The buyer can choose any color and texture. Book covers are very convenient to use. They are securely attached to the back of the smartphone and can be easily opened when you need to use the smartphone. Pocket covers and pouch covers are no less popular and convenient. Everyone chooses for themselves the model that is most convenient and acceptable to them. You shouldn’t put off buying a case for too long, because during this time anything can happen to your phone.

I want to pick up a case for myself!

Phone cases are offered by the ART-GSM online store. This is a store of accessories and components for electronic devices, which has been successfully operating in this market for more than ten years. For its customers, the store offers original components from the manufacturer, which have all the necessary quality certificates. Ordering the necessary case for your smartphone is easier than it seems at first glance. You need to use the search system and find in the catalog those cases that correspond to a specific smartphone model. And then you just need to choose the color, material and shape of the cover that you like best.

To place an order, just use the shopping cart or contact a manager who will help with this. And then all that remains is to wait for the delivery, which will be made by couriers at a place and time convenient for the client. The courier service operates from 10-00 to 20-00 without lunch and weekends. You can make payment in two ways: in cash to the courier upon receipt of the order or by bank transfer. When making purchases at ART-GSM you will receive not only the necessary accessory at an affordable price, but also moral pleasure from the purchase.

A mobile phone case protects the gadget from scratches, chips and other damage, and softens the blow when dropped. This device performs decorative functions, giving the phone individuality.

Housing protection

Full– protection of the smartphone case from all sides from external influences. Full protection is provided by closed cases - expensive and bulky (including book, flip, shockproof, waterproof).

Partial– protection of individual sides of the case – usually the back and/or sides. The phone is partially protected by open cases that are cheap and compact (for example, a bumper or cover).

Important: The choice of a case with full or partial protection of the body depends on the conditions in which the smartphone is intended to be used (normal or extreme, risk of serious impacts, moisture, etc.). Not all cases require complete device protection. It is worth finding the optimal balance between reliable protection of the gadget on the one hand and reasonable price and dimensions on the other.


Bumper– a frame that protects only the sides of the smartphone body. Since the width of the case is slightly greater than the thickness of the device, the phone in the frame does not come into contact with the surface on which it lies.

The bumper is the lightest and most compact among the cases, but leaves the front (screen) and back of the phone without protection. In addition, the range of such cases is limited (for gadgets with straight edges). The bumper is made of metal, silicone and plastic.

Case cover(case-cover) – protects the back and sides of the phone case. The cover-cover is small in size and weight, has no moving parts, and if necessary, it can be easily removed and put on the gadget. The cover case does not interfere with working with the phone, due to which it has become very popular among users.

Like the bumper, the cover case does not protect the front of the phone. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement such a case with a protective film. The cover pad is made of leather, silicone, aluminum, plastic, wood.

Case book– thanks to the panel (it folds to the side like a book) it protects the smartphone screen. This distinguishes the book case from the bumper and cover. This holster gives the device a more solid look. Some models with the word “view” in their name have a special window for the date, time and caller number.

The book case is sometimes used as a stand - this is convenient for reading e-books or watching videos. A variety of models will make it easy to choose the appropriate option for each user. A book case is one of the most common accessories.

The disadvantages of such a case are: bulkiness and the need to open the “book” every time you use the gadget. The book case is made from metal, leather, leatherette, combined materials (plastic + leather).

Important: Pay attention to the security of the connection between the shell and the bumper holding the phone. For low-quality models, the bumper may simply come off the shell and the gadget will fall.

Folding case(flip case) – the cover panel folds down not to the side, but down (reminiscent of a notepad). Many users find this method more convenient. Otherwise, the characteristics of the flip case and the book case are the same.

Case-pocket(case-sock, case-case) – protects the body of the gadget, except for the bottom or top end - depending on the position of the smartphone. This case is reliable, cheap, protects the device primarily from scratches and is suitable for a large number of smartphones.

Disadvantages: incomplete protection, tight fit of leather models (muffles the speaker), for operation you must remove the gadget from the case using a strap. The pocket cover is made of leather and leatherette, and the sock cover is made of knitted fabric.

Case-pouch- a type of case that closes by pulling a cord.

Belt bag– a type of pocket case that allows you to place your smartphone on your belt. Made from fabric or leather.

Important: With prolonged use of the pocket cover, abrasions appear on the front and back of the gadget. To avoid this, stick a protective film on them.

Battery cover– the design of this case includes a built-in battery. This solution extends the battery life of the device, but increases the weight and dimensions of the device. The best option for traveling and hiking. A battery case is rare. Such a case is usually made of metal, less often - of plastic.

Case-holster– compatible with various smartphone models, and attaches to the belt. The disadvantage is the same as that of the case-bag: to use the device you need to remove the device. Its location on the belt on one side makes it easier to access the device, but on the other, it can interfere with walking. The holster case is made of leather and leatherette.

Sports– designed for people who engage in sports and outdoor activities. Sports covers are attached to the arm (biceps) or leg and are made from soft materials (eco leather, silicone, rubber). Disadvantages: narrow specialization and modest design.

Shockproof(protected) – suitable for land sports (running, cycling), as well as traveling and other situations where there is a risk of the smartphone falling. This case is made of hard and durable materials (aluminum, carbon) that are shock-resistant. The shockproof case protects the device from impacts better than others, but makes it bulky and is not cheap.

Waterproof(aquabox) – used during water sports, for sea travel and other situations where there is a possibility of moisture penetrating the phone. A smartphone in an aquabox can even be used underwater for photo and video shooting. This type of case is made of transparent plastic and rubber. The disadvantage is the high price.

Knitted– protects the gadget from minor damage and scratches, but it cannot handle more serious tests. The design of this case is very diverse, which makes it possible to choose an option to suit every taste and change the appearance of your smartphone.


Leather– durable, strong and pleasant to the touch material. The leather case looks respectable, but is bulky and expensive. In addition, such a case quickly becomes dirty (primarily light-colored models). A leather case is the best option for a classic and business style.

Leatherette– in appearance and properties it is close to genuine leather, but will cost much less.

Silicone– light, elastic and cheap material. The silicone case softens shocks and protects against scratches. Low cost and variety of designs make it possible to purchase several different cases to periodically change the “clothing” of your smartphone. The silicone case may slip off the gadget, tear, or lose its shape.

Rubber– its properties resemble silicone.

Plastic– allows you to make covers of any shape and color. Plastic is stronger than silicone, but in terms of elasticity and lightness it differs little from it.

Important: Plastic cases vary in quality depending on the material used. Do not purchase a product made from cheap plastic, as such a case is useless.

Textile– light and cheap material, suitable for original design solutions. The fabric cover only protects from scratches and does not last long. Such a case is relevant for a sporty style.

Tree– aesthetic, very durable and lightweight material. Wooden cases are rare, but each model is exclusive.

Metal- the most durable, effective and durable, but heavy and expensive material. This type of case leaves scratches and dents from strong impacts. Due to their high cost, metal cases are not widely used.

Thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU) – allows you to give the case any shape, and is resistant to negative temperatures.

Combined– combines the advantages of several materials (silicone + plastic, metal + plastic). The combination of materials gives the case high strength and softness to absorb shock. True, such cases are bulky and expensive.

Closing method

Many models are equipped with clasps to prevent accidental opening of the case. The following types of fasteners are available:

  • Velcro– provides instant access to a smartphone, but weakens over time;
  • latch– convenient, but quickly breaks down;
  • magnet– occurs most often due to a number of advantages: quick access to the phone, reliability, long service life;
  • lightning- the most reliable, but less convenient: it takes more time to remove the gadget. And with frequent use, the zipper can break.


Compatibility is determined by matching dimensions, placement of holes for the camera lens and connectors. According to this parameter, covers are divided into two types:

  • universal– designed for many phones, but may not hold a particular model well enough.
  • special– designed for a specific smartphone model, for which they are ideal, but useless for other models.


The fastening of the case allows you to quickly get the gadget with maximum freedom of movement. This is especially important for athletes and business people. The cover is attached to the following places:

  • on the belt– found in holsters, cases, bags, made in classic and business style;
  • on hand, biceps– the best option for athletes;
  • on the neck– used in bags. This solution is suitable for those who do not wear clothes with pockets.


Protective film– protects the screen or back of the gadget from scratches. Required for cases with partial body protection.

Swarovski crystals– give the case a stylish and expensive look.

Compartments– designed for storing plastic cards, business cards or money.

Cover-stand– found in large smartphones and is used for comfortable viewing of videos or reading e-books.