Methods to install iOS on Android. Methods to install iOS on Android Make sure your device is connected to a WiFi network

Apple has released the Golden Master build of the iOS 12 update. It is available to registered developers, as well as ordinary users participating in the beta testing program, but in fact this is the final version of the update, as evidenced by its number, description and size.

The update to iOS 12 will be officially available on September 17, but you can install it now. To do this, you need to join the beta test program and download the profile file.

How to install iOS 12

  • From your iPhone or iPad, go to, click “Sign Up,” enter the email address associated with your Apple ID and your Apple account password.
  • Switch to the iOS tab and click on the “register your iOS device” link.
  • Go to and download the profile required to initialize the update.
  • Launch the downloaded profile, confirm its installation and restart the device.
  • Go to Settings > General > Software Update. After a few seconds, an available update will be detected. Download and install it.
Please be aware that Apple's servers may be under increased load at this time and the installation files are over two gigabytes in size, making downloads very slow. After the update, all files, settings and installed applications are saved on the device.

If you wish, you can delete the beta profile, which will prevent you from receiving test versions of the operating system in the future. To do this, go to Settings > General > Profile > Configuration Profile, click Remove Profile, and restart your device.

Which iPhone, iPod and iPad models are compatible with iOS 12

  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5s
  • Sixth generation iPod Touch
  • iPad with 9.7 inch screen
  • iPad Pro 12.9"
  • iPad Pro 9.7 inches
  • iPad Pro 10.5 inch
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Air
  • iPad mini 4
  • iPad mini 3
  • iPad mini 2
  • iPad 5
  • iPad 6

If you're the proud owner of an iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, or newer model without jailbreak, there's no reason to stay on iOS 8.4.1. It's time to update your device to the new iOS 9. For owners of iPhone 4s, iPad 2 and iPad Mini, the update is contraindicated - Apple's new mobile operating system will most likely work on your device much slower and with errors than on earlier versions - iPhone 4s with iOS 8 is a direct confirmation of this.

Below the cut is information for those who want to update their iPhone, iPad or iPad Mini to iOS 9 correctly.

iOS 9 Compatible Devices

Apple's new mobile operating system can be installed on:

  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Air
  • iPad 4
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 2
  • iPad mini 3
  • iPad mini 2
  • iPad mini
  • iPod touch 5th generation

Let me remind you once again that it is better not to update the iPhone 4s, iPad 2 and iPad Mini on iOS 9; the operating system requirements for the hardware of the devices have increased. Consequently, they will work much slower and the battery will drain faster. It is impossible to roll back the iPhone firmware from the current one to an earlier one - guaranteed.

Create a backup

To avoid losing personal information (photos, contacts, notes, reminders, calendars, email account settings) before updating.

Clear memory

When updating iPhone and iPad via iTunes, you do not need to delete their contents first; this is done automatically.

Create a 6-digit lock password

How to install iOS 9 on iPhone and iPad via iTunes

If you encounter errors during the update process in iTunes, you will find solutions to solve them.

How to install iOS 9 on iPhone and iPad over the air

Updating iOS over Wi-Fi is easier, but takes longer (iOS boots over Wi-Fi) and is not recommended when moving between generations of iOS, as it often subsequently causes problems with device performance.

If that doesn't stop you:

If you have any questions or difficulties during the update process, write to us in the comments. If you found this information helpful, please add a link to it on your social media pages so others can know about us.

Hi all! Apple constantly releases new versions of iOS and, frankly, many thanks to them for that. Why? Because, thereby, she does not let me get bored - something is constantly happening. Well, okay, let's return to the topic of the article. So, Apple is trying and producing, and game and application developers, in turn, promptly and very quickly rework their programs so that they are fully compatible with the new firmware.

And in the end, this situation may turn out - you are trying to download an application from the App Store, and your iPhone or iPad tells you that you need to update your gadget to the new version of iOS and nothing will be installed or downloaded until this moment. This is such an unexpected ultimatum from the Apple company and its services. Checkmate! Or not?

This mess looks something like this:

This content (application) requires iOS 7.0 (any version can be used here) and newer. To download and use this application, please update to iOS 7.0 (or higher software version).

And, it would seem, what is the problem? Update and download! But:

  • There is not always a need for a new firmware version; someone wants to leave their device on the old and proven version of the software. "jambs" in iOS 10! Not everyone will want to upgrade.
  • Many people simply cannot install new firmware - pay attention to the number of comments.
  • At the moment, people still have many gadgets like the iPhone 4 in their hands. And, as we know, the latest version of iOS for it is 7.1.2. That’s it, you can’t update it further, and many applications and games require iOS 8 and no less when downloaded from the App Store! And this will continue in the future - the next in line is the iPhone 4S, and then it’s not far from the “fives”.

What to do in this case? Leave the gadget without programs and games? Of course not! After all, there is a way to download those applications to the iPhone that require a newer version of iOS than the one that is currently installed.

Updated! Apple surprised everyone and removed the App Store from new versions of iTunes. Therefore, before you start following the instructions, it is worth checking - do you have access to the games and application store from your computer? No? . All OK"? Let's continue...

True, one smartphone is not enough for this; you will also need a computer. The algorithm is quite simple:

That's it, we managed to install a program that previously required a newer version of iOS on your iPhone and iPad. Moreover, we didn’t even touch the firmware - we didn’t need to update it!

The only thing, as you already understood, is that this way old versions of applications and games are installed (specifically for the iOS that is currently installed on your device). So there may not be any new features (introduced in subsequent editions of the program).

But the main thing is that the application itself will work and you can use it! And this is much better than just a “bare” device without any games or programs.

P.S. Did you manage to download anything this way? Give it a like! Do you have any questions or questions? Then write in the comments!

Install iOS 12 correctly.

Today, September 17, Apple will release the final version iOS 12. The update will be released at approximately 20:00 Moscow time. The long-awaited iOS 12 will bring with it many new features and noticeably improved performance across all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models. How to prepare for the release of iOS 12? There are seven important points that every user needs to know.

1. Make sure your device supports iOS 12

To the delight of many older iPhone and iPad users, iOS 12 supports all the same devices as iOS 11. The full list is as follows:

  • iPhone Xs
  • iPhone Xs Max
  • iPhone Xr
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ first and second generation
  • iPad Pro 10.5″
  • iPad Pro 9.7″
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Air 1
  • Fifth generation iPad
  • iPad (2017)
  • iPad mini 4
  • iPad mini 3
  • iPad mini 2

iPod touch

  • iPod touch sixth generation

We clarify this point due to the fact that our YouTube channel and in group on VKontakte It's not uncommon to see iPhone 5 users wondering if Apple has made iOS 12 available to them as well. Alas, this did not happen.

2. Don't rush to install iOS 12 right away

This tip is the most important. If you're happy with your current version of the operating system, be it iOS 11.4.1, iOS 10.3.3 or even earlier, be sure to wait a few days after the release of iOS 12. Read reviews from users of your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch model. Reviews from real users will be in our group on VKontakte and on the website - we will devote a whole series of publications to reviews and the state of iOS 12 on various devices.

Some users expected that the situation would improve in the future and did not roll back to stable iOS 10.3.3, and then Apple banned this option. As a result, many remained hostage to the unstable and slow iOS 11. And the situation only improved after more than six months.

3. Back up your device

If you still want to install iOS 12 among the first, be sure to create a fresh one backup copy your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch via iTunes or iCloud. In this case, you will not be afraid of possible errors when installing a new version of iOS. They don't happen very often, but they do happen. Nobody wants to lose their valuable data, so it's better to spend a few minutes creating a fresh backup.

4. Install the new version of iTunes 12.9

So that after installing iOS 12 you can safely and without errors create backup copies of your device in iTunes, the utility must be updated to the latest version. iTunes 12.9, released last week, includes full support for iOS 12. Previous versions of iTunes did not have it, which is why some users encountered various errors.

To install a new version of iTunes on Mac computers, you need to use the update mechanism in the Mac App Store, and on a PC, launch iTunes and select the menu “ Reference» → « Updates».

5. Do basic preparations

In order to install iOS 12 over the air, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch must have more than 50% charge, connected Wi-Fi and about 4-5 GB of free space. Make sure all these conditions are met in advance.

In addition, to install iOS 12 you will need to enter your Apple ID password and iPhone password. You should also make sure you remember them.

6. Remove the beta profile and reboot your device

If you have tried numerous beta versions of iOS 12, then to get the final build of the firmware you will need to delete the beta profile. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Profile", select profile iOS 12 Beta Software Profile and press " Delete profile».

After that, restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

7. If you have iOS 12 GM installed, no update may arrive today

In the event that you installed iOS 12 Golden Master, which was released last week after the presentation iPhone Xs , iPhone Xs Max , iPhone Xr And Apple Watch Series 4, then today there may not be a final version of iOS 12 for you. The fact is that most often GM versions are identical to the final versions.

If this happens in the case of iOS 12, then those who installed iOS 12 GM will not have to update. So what should you do if, for whatever reason, you want to install iOS 12 today (for example, you don't like the feeling of having a beta version installed)? To do this, you need to rollback to iOS 11.4.1. Detailed rollback instructions are available.