What is filezilla and how to use it. What is filezilla FTP client, how to set it up and use it. Downloading and installing the program

After reading this article, you will learn:

  • connect to FTP server
  • download and upload files
  • use the site manager.

We will assume that you have already installed and launched the FileZilla client (installation guide).

Connection to the server

We will use this data for login. Replace them with your own to follow the working example in this tutorial.

Hostname: example.org Username: john Password: 7PjU#.J3

In this case, we fill out the Quick Connect panel:

Field Port: can be left blank if you are not using a specific port for connection.

Note: if you want to specify the exact port, for example, SFTP or FTPS, enter the hostname like this: sftp://hostname or ftps://hostname respectively.

Now FileZilla can be connected to the server. If the connection occurred without errors, the right "column" of the client will show a list of files and directories instead of a notification "Not connected to the server".

Navigation and window layout

Legend: 1. toolbar, 2. quick connection panel, 3. message log, 4. local panel, 5. remote (server) panel, 6. queue of transferred files (full-size version of the image)

In this step, we will become familiar with the layout of windows in FileZilla.

Under toolbar(1) and quick connection panel(2) in message log(3) messages related to file transfer and connection are displayed. Below you will see a list of files. In the left column ( local panel, 4) local files and directories are displayed, i.e. contents of the computer running the FileZilla client. In the right column ( server panel, 5) files and directories of the server to which you are connected are displayed. In both columns, the directory tree is displayed at the top, and the contents of the current directory at the bottom. Navigation is carried out by simply selecting tree or list items, as in any other file manager. At the bottom of the window there is file queue(6) with a list of files that have already been downloaded or will be downloaded.

Transferring files

We will now download the following files (or the ones you chose):

Website/ +- index.html +- images/ +- image01.jpg +- image02.jpg

Uploading files

To start with local panel go to the directory that contains the data you need (for example, index.html and images/). Now, navigate to the desired target directory on the server (using the list in server panel). To download data, select the appropriate files/directories and drag them from local V remote panel. After this you will notice that the files will be added to queue at the bottom of the window and, after some time, removed from there after uploading to the server (of course, if everything happened without errors). The uploaded files and directories will be displayed in the server list in the right column.

List of local and server files after downloading

Note: If you don't like dragging and dropping files, just right-click on the selected files/directories and click "Download"

Note (for advanced): If you have enabled filtering and uploaded the entire directory, only unfiltered files from this directory will be uploaded to the server.

Downloading files

Downloading files or entire directories essentially works the same way as uploading, you simply drag files/directories the other way around: from the remote panel to the local one.

Note: If you (accidentally) try to overwrite a file while downloading or uploading it, FileZilla will by default display a dialog box with different options (overwrite, rename, skip, ...).

Using the Site Manager

Once you're confident that you can transfer files (if not, practice it), you may want to add server information to your site manager to make future connections easier. Select an item Copy connection to Site Manager on the menu File, after which the site manager will be opened, and a new item filled with relevant information will be created in it. Notice that the name of the item is selected and highlighted - this means that you can enter a corresponding name to make it easier to find this item later (for example, enter domain.com FTP server- you can rename it later). Now close the dialog box by clicking on OK.

Next time, to connect to the server, just select it in the site manager and click Connect.


We assume that you are now able to use the basic features of FileZilla.

One last note: most problems can be solved in different ways. This guide describes the most obvious solutions - after spending some time working with the program and reading the rest of the documentation, you will probably find the fastest solutions for your problems (for example, the toolbar contains buttons for frequently used commands; some of them respond to right-click button).

If you are confident enough in your abilities, you may want to move on to the more advanced user guide to explore the remaining features not covered in the example above.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about a free ftp client, which I have repeatedly mentioned in many of my previous publications and will mention in many subsequent ones.

When you work with your website, you will definitely need to upload something to it (updates, pictures, videos, etc.), edit it in the engine files, or, finally, . This is where you come FileZilla will come in handy, which will allow you to work with files on your server in the same way as if they were on your computer. No, really, really...

And it’s doubly nice that this same FTP client (in fact, it’s a regular program) can be download for free, because at the initial stage of the development of a website it is not always possible to find extra funds (I, for example, because it was not clear whether something would burn out from the blog or not).

Failzilla can be considered the best option, satisfying the needs of almost all categories of webmasters (from beginners to gurus), because, firstly, it is distributed free of charge and under a free license, and, secondly, even a completely untrained person can start using FileZilla. Let's take a closer look at it.

Where to download Filezilla and why you should use it

The fact that this FTP client program is distributed free of charge does not mean that it is not being developed and does not meet all the requirements for safe operation (although you should definitely read this article to the end to learn how to make this program even more secure in terms of storing passwords - believe me, this is very important).

The fact is that filezilla is constantly being updated and improved, its latest version is always available download from the official developer website(or download from its Russian “mirror” filezilla.ru), which work for the idea of ​​free distribution of programs.

I repeat that you can download the latest current version of this popular FTP client or update an existing one completely free of charge.

Using the link provided you will find the Russian version, you can also go to the global developer resource, where you will be offered to download not only the client version ( FileZilla Client), but also a version of a free FTP server (Server), which you can install on your computer running Windows. Please note that we will be considering the manager (Client), so you need to download it.

Why you should use specialized software, and in particular Filezilla, to access via FTP, I tried to explain more or less clearly in the publication “”, which you will find at the link provided. So let's immediately begin installing and configuring the program, which, in my opinion, is one of the best of its kind.

Although no, first you still need to say a few words about what is FTP? This is a file transfer protocol (in English - File Transfer Protocol) that will allow you to connect to your hosting server. Why do you need to connect to it through an FTP client program?

And then, after connecting (via FileZilla or any other similar software) we will get the opportunity perform various actions with the files and folders of our website stored by the hoster:

  1. Download and upload objects or directories, both from the hosting server to our computer and vice versa
  2. Edit files located on the server by simply opening them in the editor installed on your computer
  3. Rename objects on the hosting server (files, folders)
  4. Delete objects
  5. Assign different access rights for them, or, scientifically speaking, CHMOD (I’ll explain what this is a little later, but it’s a very important thing in terms of security and protecting sites from viruses and hacks)

At the same time, working with files on a server is not much different from working with the same files and folders on a computer. But it is precisely to connect via the FTP protocol (a protocol for working with files) that you need a special program - a client. Most popular example of an FTP client, which almost everyone is familiar with, can serve as an ordinary browser. To access the server, you will need to enter the following line in the address bar of your browser: ftp://server name.

But the browser as a client program is not very suitable for us, because... with its help, you can only view and download objects to your computer, but the browser will not be able to upload them to the FTP server. You also won’t be able to delete anything, and I’m not even talking about changing access rights to objects. In general, the browser is suitable for this purpose, like a microscope for driving nails.

Therefore, to fully work with a website via the FTP protocol, it is better to use utilities specially designed for this, which are usually called either clients or managers. Well, one of the best, and also free, is Filezilla, the installation and configuration of which, as well as an explanation of how to use it, will be the subject of today’s article.

Installation and connection to the site via the FileZilla ftp client

Installing the client program on your computer is quite simple and quick. If you don't have a distribution yet, you should download. Having agreed to the license agreement, all you have to do is click the “Next” button several times.

After installation, the program shortcut will live in the Start menu: “Start” - “All Programs” - “FTP Client” - “FileZilla”. This software is already translated into Russian, its interface is intuitive, attractive and at the same time does not contain anything superfluous, only the most necessary. But still, we will consider in detail how to use it. This may not be entirely clear to those new to webmastering. Go.

Using Filezila usually starts right away trying to connect to the web server by entering its address (sometimes also the port), login and access password. The owner of your hosting, after purchasing the required tariff from him, should have informed you (usually by letter) everything that is needed to access the hosting server via the FTP protocol. There are two ways to do this (connect):

  1. You can enter the necessary data (server name or IP address, login and password) directly in the top panel of the program window, and then click the “Quick connection” button
  2. You can add a new item to the so-called “Site Manager” (you can get to it by clicking on the button on the far left of the top panel of FileZilla), and therefore to create a new connection it will be enough to simply select the desired site from the drop-down list of this button (or press on the keyboard Ctrl+S).

Initially, it seems that the second option of creating a connection to the server (site via the FTP protocol), taking into account the fact that you will have to work with the site constantly, is preferable - you entered the password once, the program remembers it and you can forget about it.

But the problem is that passwords in the "Site Manager" fileszilla stored unencrypted(although they can be transmitted to the server using the encrypted TLS protocol - set in the settings shown in the screenshot below). If no one could ever gain access to your computer, then this would not matter, but there is such a thing as viruses (in particular, Trojans), which are precisely aimed at stealing such things. And no computer is safe from them.

Personally, I suffered from such carelessness and a number of my sites were hacked, most likely after the passwords were stolen from this FTP client (in any case, everything said so). Then I dealt with the consequences for about six months and even wrote an article about this - “”. After this bitter experience, I became more careful and now use FileZilla as before, but I store passwords in a special program. Moreover, the conveniences during work have not become less. Read below on how to implement this.

So for now I advise you use a fast connection, simply entering the data received from the hoster to access the site via FTP into the form located at the top of the program window, and then click on the button of the same name.

If you still decide (at your own peril and risk) to use site manager at Filezilla, then everything is simple. To create a new connection, click on the “New Site” button and come up with a name for this connection (it is possible that you will have many websites, and the name of the connection entered in the FTP manager should be unique and unambiguous so that you don’t get confused later).

In the “Host” field, enter the server address, which can be in the form of an IP address (for example, - read about that) or in the form of a URL (for example, http:/webss.hoster.ru). In the “Server Type” field we leave everything unchanged. From the “Login Type” drop-down list, select “Normal” and fill in the “User” and “Password” fields with the data received from your hoster.

Don’t be confused by the encryption field in the connection settings through the site manager (where, by the way, you can enable or disable TLS encryption in Filezilla, because it sometimes causes problems). Here we are not talking about encrypting the list of your passwords on your computer, but about them encryption when transmitted over the network. This is also certainly useful, but unfortunately it will not save you from a Trojan, so read the material at the bottom of this article about safe and convenient work with this FTP client.

By the way, to disable TLS encryption in Filezil, just select the “Use regular FTP” option from the drop-down list.

Now, to connect to the newly configured host, click on the arrow next to the “Open Site Manager” button and select the host we need from the drop-down list.

On the left side of the program window that opens, in the “Local Site” area, you will see the contents of your computer.

On the right side of the client window, in the “ Remote site"You will see the folder tree of the remote server (your hosting), and below it - the contents of the currently selected folder. A little lower there will be a wide area where the process of uploading or downloading files from your site will be displayed.

How to use FileZilla when working with a website

In Filesile to move objects Between your computer and the host (site), you can use the probably well-known drag-and-drop method (literally, drag and drop). Grab the object with the mouse and drag it to the other side of the program window. Although, in my opinion, it is more convenient to do this through the context menu of the selected object (file or directory):

If needed copy more than one file or directory, then while holding Shift or Ctrl, select the necessary objects on the computer or on the host (remote server - essentially, your website), and then move the cursor to the selected (blue background) area and right-click, then select “Download” from the drop-down list "(in case we download from the host to the computer) or "Upload to server" (in case the objects are downloaded from the computer).

Objects selected in FileZilla will be copied to a directory opened on the opposite side of the window of this FTP manager. Let me remind you once again that your computer's files and folders are open in the left half of the window, and the remote server objects are open in the right half.

In order to open file for editing(most often you need to make changes to objects with php, css, html, js extensions), which is located on the hosting, you need to right-click on it and select “View/Edit” from the context menu.

In this case, the file will be opened in a program that was configured on your computer by default to work with these types of extensions (which utility will open a particular file on your computer when you double-click on it will depend on its extension and settings , made by you in the OS).

If you are still not satisfied with the utility that opens these extensions by default, then you can use Explorer (or any other file manager on your computer) to move the mouse cursor to a file with the same extension, but which is already on your computer , and select “Properties” from the context menu. Then you need to click the "Edit" button and select the program with which you would like to edit all files with the same extension. Windows ABC.

Highly recommend do not use a regular notepad for editing included with the operating system (to avoid). It would be better to spend time downloading and installing the advanced notepad Notepad ++ (read my review), which I talked about working with in the above publication. Working with code in it is a pleasure:

Ultimately, Notepad++ will prevent you from many problems associated with editing code, because it allows you to go back as many steps as you need.

After finishing editing the file you save it in Notepad++ (or any other code editor you prefer), and then go to the free FileZilla client program and see a sign saying that this object has been modified.

In this sign you click on the “Yes” button. That's it, the contents of the object on the server will be changed using our favorite Filezilla.

As you can see from the above screenshot displaying the context menu of any object opened in FileZilla, you can also create a new directory or file on the host, you can delete any object or rename it, update the contents of an open directory (the same can be done by pressing F5 on the keyboard) , as well as copy to the clipboard and, finally, change the access rights (CHMOD) to any object on the host.

Let's dwell on the last point in more detail, because... the meaning of all other items in the context menu of this manager is clear from their names.

How to set access rights to a file or folder in FileZill

I’ve already described it in some detail, but why do you need to somehow configure access rights? The thing is that almost all hosters use operating systems from the Unix family on their servers, in which they use precisely this concept - access rights to files and folders. I probably won’t be able to explain the essence of CHMOD in a nutshell, so that it is clear, so, if you wish, you can read about it in the article above.

As for changing access rights using FileZilla, everything is quite simple. It is enough to select the necessary objects in the manager window with the mouse, and then select the “File access rights” item from the context menu.

In the window that opens, you can enter a numeric value for CHMOD or place the corresponding checkboxes in the desired order, and then click “OK”.

True, if there are objects in the folder whose access rights you want to change, then you will have to decide whether you need to redirect the set access rights to them (it is possible to assign new access rights only to the selected folder or also to objects that are located inside this selected directory).

If you nevertheless check the “Redirect to subdirectories” checkbox in the window of this FTP client, then you will also have to choose whether the modified rights will apply only to files, only to folders, or to both combined. If you leave the first checkbox in the CHMOD settings, then the access rights value that you set will be applied to everything that will be in this directory and to the directory itself too.

Sometimes it is not possible to change access rights through Filezilla. In this case it will be possible. This method should have a higher probability of working.

By the way, many people still use the FTP client built into the file manager (here is a manual for this useful program), but I believe that it is better to use each software for its direct purpose, and not for an additional purpose). Moreover, Total, again, is not doing so well with the safety of the passwords you enter (they are not encrypted). Therefore, I use Commander to work with files on my computer, and FileZilla to work with website files.

Encrypting passwords for Filezilla using Kipas

Do you already have Filezilla on your computer? Now follow this path (the “AppData” folder is a system folder, so to see it, you will need to enable their display in the “folder properties” of Explorer, or select show hidden files in the Total Commander menu):

C:\Users\[account name]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

Or this, in the case of old XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\[account name]\Application Data\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

This file can be opened, for example, in my favorite text editor with syntax highlighting, Notepad++. So what do we have?

And we have a full a set of passwords saved in this program, which are absolutely in no way protected from theft - the file is not encrypted, and its location is the same for 99.99% of computers. And a little earlier I scolded my favorite file manager Total (formerly Windows) Commander for this. It turned out that everything was not without sin.

However, there is a solution to this problem (and it has been tested by me personally) and is considered absolutely reliable. Moreover, it is even used as a basic solution to improve security recommended on the official website This is an FTP client.

For this, an additional one is used. It, like FileZilla, is free and distributed under a free license, which means that it cannot have “bookmarks” or “back doors” to access your passwords stored there. I advise you to read the above publication on working with Kipas, and I, omitting the issues of installing and configuring it, will go straight to the point - organizing password protection for your sites stored in Filezilla.

Great, but now let's get back to where I started all this - possibility of safe and convenient work with websites through the FileZilla client program, but with storing passwords for sites in Kipas. As we saw just above, the password manager built into the FTP client is no good in terms of security, because they are not encrypted.

Therefore, open the Kipas program (read about working with it at the link given just above), add the FTP folder in its left column and create the first profile for logging into one of your sites using the FTP protocol.

There are several nuances in filling it out. In the first field we enter the address of your hoster’s FTP server (IP or type http:/webss.hoster.ru), then enter the login and password given to you by the hoster to access the site via the file protocol, but in the “Link” field we insert the command to open the Filezilla program, which is quite convenient.

For regular Windows it will be:

Cmd://"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe"

And for 64-bit:

Cmd://"C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe"

In the comment field It would be best to write the name of this compound, because... The FTP server address may not be very informative.

Next, open the FileZilla program, and without entering any passwords into it (just so that the program is launched), go to the “Auto-dialer” tab of the KeePass program to link this profile to our FTP client (we make a link, so to speak):

Click the “Add” button, select FileZilla’s “Target window” from the drop-down list (it should be open at this point and there should be nothing in the authorization fields), and then click OK.

The checkbox in the screenshot is in the “Use autodial from group” field, because I registered the necessary operants for the entire group (FTP folders) by selecting the “Change group” item from its context menu and going to the “Auto dial” tab:

You are free to change the checkbox in the “Use the following sequence” field and for each FTP connection enter a set of operants in the field located just below:


This doesn't change the essence.

How can I now insert passwords to access a website from Kipas into FileZilla?

Now To check, open FileZilla, place the cursor in the first line of the quick authorization field and press the three magic keys (Ctrl+Alt+A):

If you have created several password profiles for different FTP connections using the algorithm described just above, then when you press the magic keys you will be asked where you still want to log in (which site to connect to?):

Can use a different login algorithm. Open your program for storing passwords (kipas), go to the FTP folder, click once on the line with the desired FTP account and click Ctrl+U on keyboard.

The focus is transferred to the Filezilla program that opens (that’s why the link cmd://"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" was added), but without going anywhere else you return to KeePass and press the key combination Ctrl+V. As a result, the authorization fields in FileZilla will be filled in automatically and you will have access to your site. Which method of automatically entering a password is more convenient is up to you to decide.

And finally, you can simply copy your login and password to the clipboard, double-clicking on them in turn in the Kipas window (name and password in the columns). Double-clicking on the title of an entry will open a window for editing it, and double-clicking in the “Link” column will activate the transition to it. Or you can simply select the necessary items from the context menu of the connection profile stored in Kipas:

The period for storing passwords in the clipboard is set in the settings (Tools - Settings - Security - Auto clear buffer) and by default is 12 seconds.

How to remove all traces of passwords entered into FileZilla from KeePass?

So, and a couple more steps that will allow you to remove all traces of passwords entered in Filezilla from KeePass. The fact is that this FTP client stores the history of entered passwords for some time and a certain number. To eliminate this incident, you will have to do a number of simple manipulations.

First, delete the sitemanager.xml already mentioned above (see its storage folder above). Secondly, you will need to slightly change the program settings.

To do this, find the file fzdefaults.xml.example in the c:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\docs\ directory and rename it, removing the ending in fzdefaults.xml . Transfer this file to the folder with FileZilla (c:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client) and, opening it for editing in Notepad++, delete all its contents, replacing it with this:


Save the changes, then go to the folder C:\Users\[account name]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\ and delete the recentservers.xml and filezilla.xml files there. That’s it, your FileZilla will now not tell anyone what passwords were entered into it automatically from the KeePass manager. This is what needed to be implemented.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Various protocols are used to transfer data between computers. To connect to the server where your website data is stored and work with it, the FTP data transfer protocol is usually used. To implement this feature, they use special clients, one of which is FileZilla.

You can download the FileZilla FTP client from our website. It is one of the popular programs that supports all operating systems and secure connection. In FileZilla it is called FTPS - protection using SSL or TLS, or SFTP - an extension of the SSH protocol.

To connect to a remote computer using SFTP, you must enter the same information as in normal mode (username, server address and password), but the port must be different, depending on the hosting provider. On some it may be 2222.

To log in via FTPS, an SSH connection is used, where instead of the server name, the domain is specified, as well as the username and password.

Sometimes the connection can be prohibited. To do this, log into the server or hosting control panel and close access in the FTP section.

How to connect to a website using FileZilla

Open FileZilla. The entire interface is in Russian, so there should be no problems. To gain access to directories and files of the hosting or site server, you must enter data that is usually sent by email from the hoster. Here's what to do in this case:

  • In the program, click the “File” button and go to the “Site Manager” section;
  • Click on the “New site” button;
  • On the right, enter the connection information:
    • Host – server address or name;
    • Port – usually 21;
    • Protocol – FTP or SFTP;
    • Encryption – choose according to the situation;
    • Input type – Normal;
    • User – the username was sent to you by email from the hosting provider;
    • Password – the password is also in the letter received from the hoster.
  • To connect to the web server you need to click the “Connect” button.

In the window at the top you can see the connection status. First comes authorization, then obtaining a list of directories and extracting them. If you enter data incorrectly, red lines with errors will appear.

After connecting, in the first section, called “Remote site”, directories will be available in a tree form. When you expand each folder, the contents of that folder appear in the lower section.

Now you can fully work with the files.

What actions can you perform with data in FileZilla?

  • Any file from the host can be downloaded to your computer, and if you download several files, they can be added to the task.
  • You can create directories and files on the server;
  • You can delete, rename and move files to different directories.
  • It is possible to set access rights.
  • In directories, you can set file attributes, this is the same as access rights.
  • Downloaded files can be re-uploaded to the host by dragging the file into the program window.

Why do I get the “Invalid login” error when logging in?

Most often, this problem is associated with an incorrectly entered password. If you go to your email, the document sent from the hoster contains the following information:

  • Login details for the control panel - usually they are the same as logging in via FTP;
  • Specific FTP login details – login, password and host address;
  • MySQL database login details.

You may have been unable to contact the host via FTP using any means. Try contacting your hosting provider's technical support.

It's worth trying to connect via a browser. If it works, then the problem is on the software side and it needs to either be restarted or reinstalled. To log in via FTP through a browser, you need to enter the following command in the address bar:


Some browsers may not support this protocol; it is worth using modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera.

What to do if the file is not uploaded to the hosting or is uploaded empty

This is usually due to exceeding the disk space quota - a certain amount of storage allocated for each user. You can find out whether the quota has been exceeded in the control panel of the hoster or server. If this theory is confirmed, the tariff characteristics will have to be increased, namely the free space on the hard drive or SSD.

If it is impossible to create a directory, then make sure that the name is not Cyrillic.

When downloading files, there are times when they weigh too much, so the download does not proceed normally. Uploading files is small in size.

In contact with

The FTP protocol is very often used these days by many webmasters and developers for uploading files to servers, managing website files, and solving other similar problems. This protocol has gained such popularity because it is easy to use and does not require special knowledge of the device and commands of Linux operating systems.

One of the most popular FTP clients, used by many users on various platforms, including Windows, MacOS and even Linux. This program makes it very easy to connect to a remote server, perform the necessary actions there, for example, edit files, upload or download them, and also conveniently view the file system. In this article we will look at how to use FileZilla to solve your problems.

Before we move directly to solving the problem, we must first install the program.

1. Installing FileZilla

On most modern Linux distributions, this program can be installed from the official repositories. For example, to install a program on Ubuntu, use the following command:

sudo apt install filezilla

And in RedHat or CentOS:

sudo yum install filezilla

For other distributions, the installation command will differ only in the package manager. On Windows, you can get the program by downloading the installation package from the official website. After installation, you can find the utility in the main menu. By the way, there is also a binary version for Linux on the official website.

2. Interface

Immediately after starting the program you will see such a window. In a small dialog box, the utility provides version information and links to documentation:

This window can be closed. Next, let's look at the interface of the main program window:

  • Menu- located at the very top of the window;
  • Toolbar- it is located immediately below the menu and contains various tools for managing the state of the program;
  • Login panel- immediately below the toolbar there are four fields for entering authorization data on the server;
  • Command bar- just below there is a text field in which all commands sent to the server and their results will be displayed;
  • File manager- even lower, the window is divided into two parts. On the left side is the file manager of the local computer, on the right - files on the remote server;
  • Status bar- at the very bottom there is a status bar, which displays the progress of uploading or downloading files, as well as the number of successful downloads and downloads that failed.

We will have to use all these tools to manage the program.

3. Connect to the server

The first thing you need to do is connect to the remote server. To do this, specify the following parameters:

  • server ip- IP address or domain name on which the FTP server is running, in our example we will use one of the test servers;
  • Username- your user or anonymous for anonymous access;
  • password- your user’s password can be left blank for anonymous access;
  • port- if the FTP server is not running on a standard port, it must be specified here.

After this you need to click "Quick connection". The program will ask if you need to remember the password. For the remember option to become active, you must first select "Don't remember" and then again "Remember":

Then, next time you will no longer need to enter the password. Just click on the triangle next to the button and select the desired server, filezilla will connect automatically.

When the filezilla connection is established, folders and files located on the server will appear on the right side of the window. Please note that this window is also divided into two parts, the folders are at the top, and the files along with the folders are at the bottom.

4. Uploading files

One of the most common ways to use FileZilla is to upload files to a remote server. To do this, simply select the desired file, open the context menu for it and select "Upload to server":

You can send multiple files to the server in exactly the same way. Just mark them with the key Ctrl or mouse, and then open the context menu and select "Upload to server":

Please note that the download progress for each file will be displayed at the bottom of the program window. When the work is completed, you will be able to find your files on the server. You can download files from a remote server in exactly the same way, the only difference is that you need to work in the right panel and the name of the button will be "Download".

5. Editing files

One of the useful features of FileZilla that other programs do not have is file editing. You can edit files both on your local computer and on a remote one. To do this, simply select the desired file and in the context menu for it select "Open":

Next, a text editor will open where you can make all the necessary changes. Once you're done, save the file and close the editor. FileZilla will ask you if you need to upload a new file to the server:

Agree in both windows.

6. Search files

We don't always know exactly where a particular file is located. The program supports search capabilities and this can help to use FileZilla in some situations. To find a file by name, size, and date in the directory structure of a server or local computer. To start searching, click on the tool with the binoculars drawn. In the window that opens, you need to enter the search parameters:

You can choose options such as "Name", "Size", "Date of" And "Path". Once the desired criteria have been set, click "Search". In the same window, the program will display the detected files.

7. Other actions with files

With the FileZilla client, you can perform all standard actions with files on a remote server. It is possible to use FileZilla to create directories, create files, rename and even change permissions. All these features are available from the file's context menu.

8. Setting up FileZilla

We will not always be satisfied with the standard features of the program. Then you may need to configure FileZilla. To open settings, open the menu "Editing", then select "Settings".

The first thing that will interest us is the file transfer mode. There are two modes:

  • Active- the server connects to the client and downloads the file;
  • Passive- the client connects to the server itself, then the file is transferred.

As you understand, if the computer is connected to the Internet via NAT, then the active mode will not work. The program uses passive by default. This setting can be changed on the FTP tab:

On the sFTP tab there are settings specific to this protocol, for example, you can add keys that will be used for encryption:

On the tab "Gears" you can configure the number of files that are transferred simultaneously, and also specify the maximum speed at which FileZilla file transfer can be performed:

On the tab "Edit files" you can select the editor to be used when editing:


In this article, we looked at how to use the FileZilla client to manage files on a remote server via FTP. This is an excellent utility that allows you to perform all the necessary actions, much easier than using console clients. It's quite easy to figure out, especially after these instructions. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Good afternoon Today we will talk about the Filezilla program. Filezilla is an FTP client program that allows you to connect your PC to a server. At the same time, it is quite convenient to install or, on the contrary, remove various files, etc. from it. In other words, this software has quite a lot of capabilities. We will think about how to use filezilla in a more convenient way.

I know that quite a few website owners carry out similar operations on the server itself, including not only downloading or installing files, but also creating their own resources directly on the hosting, installing the engine and other operations. It seems to me that working directly on the hosting is quite inconvenient. That's why I decided to tell you how to use filezilla.

Before creating this blog, I was already using Filezilla software with all my might. I was downloading files from file managers and installing them on warez resources. For these purposes I used filezilla software. Therefore, when creating a website, I immediately began to use this software.

I tried to do the same thing several times using a browser or on the hosting in the control panel. I realized that doing all this through an FTP client is much more convenient and simpler. A program such as Total Commander also helps connect to the server. But I still like Filezilla better.

In my opinion, total commander has quite a lot of purposes, and it performs them at an average level, and if the program is tailored for a specific action, for example, connecting to a server, it does it much faster, more conveniently and with better quality.

You can download the software itself on many sites, the program is free. But I prefer directly from the manufacturer’s website by entering the URL http://filezilla.ru/.

Then you need to install Filezilla. This is done very simply, automatically. Then, after installing the software, a direct connection to the server is made using an ftp connection. I can show you the resource control panel using the example of sweb.ru hosting:

The folders and files in it look similar. If you want to place a folder or file on the server, you will have to use the function of uploading a folder from a PC. If it is necessary to edit the file, we will have to use this panel again on the hosting.

How to use filezilla we study this software

An FTP client makes this job much easier. To connect to using Filezilla, we need to know some data, or rather we need the login, host and connection password. It won't be difficult to recognize them. When you purchased a website on hosting, this information was sent to your mailbox. If you deleted this letter and the data disappeared, you can find it on the same panel of your hosting. They are there.

Let's move on. After launching the FTP client, click on the “file” button, then go to the “site manager” and add a new site. You can call it whatever you like. For example - Site 1, etc. Then we go to the right column, and there in the “Host” menu we enter the data we need.

Then select “Login Type”. Let's choose "normal". Go to the “User” section and insert the login issued by the hosting into the work line. In the “password” section we enter the password that we received on the server. All we have to do is click on “connection”.

If you perform these steps correctly, you will successfully connect to the hosting. Then, in the column on the right you will see the folders of your site.

Now, you don't have to wonder how to use filezilla, because... The structure of this program is quite similar to the structure of Explorer. All files and folders work according to the same principle. That is, when we double-click the mouse, the folder opens and we see its components.

If necessary, you can click on any file and, while holding the left mouse button, simply drag it to any location you need on your PC. You can go to the left window of Filezilla, where the partitions of our PC will be displayed. Or drag the file to any section of the Explorer program that should be open. Filezilla even allows you to perform these manipulations with the Total Commander program, if you are used to using it.

Next, we make changes to the desired file or folder that we copied and return them to their place in the same way, after which they will be overwritten. At the same time, at the bottom of filezilla we will see these manipulations. Namely:

— how many files were downloaded,

- how much work is in progress,

— how many unsuccessful downloads.

I would like to point out right away that there should be no unsuccessful downloads. If the download was unsuccessful, try again.

Deleting from the server works on the same principle. To do this, select the desired folder and click on “Delete” through the context menu. In the same way, you can rename the desired file or set rights to it.

I think it has become clear to you that working with Filezilla is much more comfortable than with the same control panel. You need to place a new plugin, some folder or file, just open an FTP client, connect to the hosting and perform the necessary actions. Quite simple. When loading through the panel, errors are not rare; they also happen with Filezilla, but much less often!

I hope you now know how to use filezilla! Good luck!

Sincerely, Andrey Zimin 08/13/2014

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